Ghosts of Solid Air
Reveal rebellious heroes from across time with the power of your voice
Messages to a Post Human Earth
An evocative audio journey about the end of our species
A Face to Open Doors
Immigration the easy way. All you need to do is smile.
An interactive installation at IWM.
The Collider
An immersive experience that explores your own personal relationship with power.
Realtime Stagemaker
A prototype software tool for efficient collaborative creation in Unity.
Make Noise
Your voice is a tool. What will you use it to create? Created with BBC VR Hub, Make Noise uses original archive material from the Suffragettes to retell the dramatic story of how a few women started one of the most important movements in history.
Door into the Dark
An immersive experience about what it means to be lost in an age of infinite information
Only Lean on That Which Resists
A one-night immersive spectacle-come-party commissioned by Mozilla for Mozfest 2016.
Palace of the Machines
A one night only celebration of the limits of flesh and the wonders of metal
96 Teesdale Street
London E2 6PU
In Residence
Pervasive Media Studio
Watershed, 1 Canons Road
Bristol BS1 5TX